Zoner Photo Studio

Anaglyph tutorial

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Anaglyphs are pictures that look 3D when viewed through a special colored glasses.

Creating source pictures is fairly simple, and you do not need to bring any special tools along with your camera—you just take two pictures of the subject from two slightly different angles. After when taking the second shot, you move the camera by about the distance between an average pair of eyes (around 2 1/2 inches: 6-7 centimeters).

Step One: select two images and click on 3D Images command in Publish menu. You can also create anaglyph from two images in a single file which is JPS, PNS or BMS format.

Step Two: Image alignment needs to be performed. Zoner Photo Studio automatically sets shared points. Using these points, it tries to compose the anaglyph precisely even in cases where you turned, raised, or lowered the camera between the two shots. If the wizard found some points that it should not have, you can delete the extra ones by selecting them and clicking Delete Selected Point or pressing [Del]. You can delete all the points by clicking Delete All Points. You can add new points by clicking on the previews. The most points you can add is 12.

Step Three: In this step an anaglyph is created. You have to put on the 3D glasses to see it properly. It is important to ensure that the left photo is on the left and the right photo is on the right. If the photos are switched, the final picture will not look 3D. If you do need to swap them, you can use the Left <-> Right button for this.
You can choose from among four types of 3D picture. Black and white anaglyphs are created in such a way that the two photographs are converted to grayscale and then each grayscale picture is converted to the target colors. The remaining three methods create 3D pictures in color. Color retains all colors. If the scene contains any large bright red surfaces, they can look unpleasant in the final picture. To minimize the effects of this unfortunate fact, you can use Half-color, which weakens the red channel in a predefined way. To weaken the red channel by a different amount, you can use Optimized. With that option on, you can set a Red Channel Level numerically or using a slider.
The arrows controls on the bottom left let you manually correct the positions and rotations of the pictures against each other. Use the button in the middle of them to remove your manual adjustments.

Step Four: When you save an anaglyph to a jpeg format, it is crucial to use 1:1 color sampling as can be seen on the screenshot below!

Result: You can see more pictures in a separate gallery.